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Recap of the October 16, 2022 Church Conference

Recap of the October 16, 2022, Church Conference

I want to provide a quick recap regarding the Church Conference conducted on Sunday, October 16, 2022, at 4 p.m. in our sanctuary.  The purpose of the church conference was to vote on whether our congregation would disaffiliate from the United Methodist denomination or remain a United Methodist congregation.  One hundred and forty-three members cast their ballots.  The District Superintendent, the Rev. Edna Morgan announced the following results:

For disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church – 117
Against disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church – 26
The motion to disaffiliate carried 81% to 19%.

I am aware that some members of our body are celebrating while others are solemn, sad, and/or in shock.  God says in Romans 12.15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.”  Please be sensitive to one another and continue to pray for one another.  Give each other space and time to process what has happened and what comes next.  1 Corinthians 12.26, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it…”  

If you voted to stay in the United Methodist Church and have questions or concerns about what’s next for you, please contact the District Superintendent Edna Morgan. She wants to be helpful to you.  

The church and I want to be helpful too.  I have had multiple conversations and text threads with members of the body of Christ since last night.  The majority of them wanted those who voted to stay in the United Methodist Church to know that they are still a special part of this body.  They are still loved by the very same people who loved them before the Church Conference.  We want you to worship and participate here just as you always have.   Regardless of your membership status or at least until you know what’s next for you.  I want you to know that I would still be honored and grateful to be your pastor if you would have me do so.  

Thank you to every one of you for living out passages like Philippians 1.27.  “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ.” I have not seen or heard anyone slander or gossip a brother or sister in Christ.  What I have seen are hearts given a greater capacity to love along with a supernatural ability to treat each other with the greatest of respect and kindness.  It is nothing short of miraculous.  This is what scripture refers to as the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for allowing the Spirit to work within.  

Please be checking your email and social media pages as I will be sharing more information with you about some next steps for those who voted to stay and those who voted to disaffiliate.  For example, we are asked to provide a list of members who want to maintain membership in the United Methodist Church so the district or conference can be in contact with you and connecting you with another local United Methodist congregation.   Likewise, it will be helpful for us to create a list of those who intend to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church and become part of some other Methodist expression.

One quick correction to make you aware of.  Rev. Edna Morgan mistakenly said that we would not be able to make the November 19 Annual Conference but could make the Annual Conference in March 2023.  She wants you to know, that this congregation is very much in play for the November 19, 2022, Annual Conference.

Until next time, “love one another.”

Pastor B